This Blog has more than thousand Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharma

"This Blog has more than 1000 Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharmacy and Medical" Thank You for Visiting


Showing posts with label 2.Pharma Subjects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2.Pharma Subjects. Show all posts


Introduction: Anatomical terms in relation to parts of the body, system and organs.
Elementary knowledge of the human skeleton; Tissues of the body – properties and
functions of epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous and osteous (bone) tissues; General
principles of membrane permeability, diffusion, transport, membrane potentials and
action potentials.

Nervous Systems: Neuron, Synapses, ganglion, plexus, physiology of nerve impulse,
neurotransmission, reflex arc, central nervous system (parts and functions) and autonomic
nervous system.

Cardiovascular System and Blood: Heart, blood vessels, cardiac cycle, circulation,
blood pressure and its regulations. Blood (composition and function).

Respiratory System: Gross anatomy of respiratory passages, physiology of respiration,
nervous control of respiration, vital capacity, respiratory volume, introduction to terms
such as anoxia, hypoxia & dyspnoea.

Digestive System: Gross anatomy of alimentary canal, movements of alimentary canal,
gastric secretions and the enzymes involved in digestion.

Endocrine System: Mechanisms of hormonal secretion, Physiological considerations of
thyroid, pancreas, pituitary, parathyroid, adrenal glands & gonads; Disorders of hypo &
hyper secretion.

Urinogental System: Various parts, structure and functions of the kidney and urinary
tract. Physiology of urine formation, output and factors controlling it.
Physiology of Special Senses: basic anatomy and physiology of the eye (vision), ear
(hearing), taste buds (Tongue), nose (smell) and skin (touch and pain).

Health Education (Epidemiology) and Family Planning.

Elementary pathology – Diseased and pathological processes. 

Inflammation and repair, 

Retrograde changes including disturbances of metabolism, 

Circulation like haemorrhage, 

Thrombosis and growth including various tumors (Neoplasms). 



Oedema and shock. 

Nutritional disorder (Vitamin deficiency) 


a) Classification of Inorganic Pharmaceuticals based on their applications, therapeutic classes with example and uses. 

b) Quality control and tests for purity, qualitative tests for anions and cations. 

c) Limit test for Arsenic, heavy metals, Mercury, lead, iron, chloride and Sulphate and Pharmacopoeia Standards. 
Note: following units all the compounds are of IP except which are mentioned as BP. 

Definition, Preparation, Properties, Assay methods, Limit tests and Uses  

a) Gastro – intestinal agents:   
(i) Acidifiers and Antacids: IP: Dilute hydrochloric acid, sodium acid phosphate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium citrate, Potassium citrate, Aluminum hydroxide gel, Dried Aluminum hydroxide gel, Magnesium oxide (Magnesia), Magnesium-hydroxide mixture, Magnesium carbonate, Magnesium trisilicate, Calcium carbonate. 
(ii) Adsorbents and Related Drugs: Light kaolin, Heavy kaolin, Activated charcoal. 
(iii) Laxatives: Magnesium Sulphate and sodium phosphate. 

b) Electrolytes: Sodium, Potassium and Calcium replenishers.  
(i) Sodium and Potassium replenishers: Sodium chloride (compound, injection and Ringer solution), Sodium chloride and dextrose injection, Potassium chloride and oral electrolytes. 
(ii) Calcium Replenishers: Calcium chloride, Calcium gluconate, Dibasic calcium phosphate. 

(c)  Acid base Regulators: Sodium bicarbonate, sodium lactate injection, sodium citrate / Potassium citrate, sodium acetate, Ammonium chloride, Ammonium chloride injection.  

(d)  Dialysis fluids:  Haemodialysis fluids and intraperitoneal dialysis fluids.   

Definition, Preparation, Properties, Assay methods, Limit tests and Uses  

(a) Mineral Nutrients:   
 i. Haematinics: Ferrous Sulphate, Ferrous fumarate, Ferrous gluconate, Ferric ammonium citrate, iron and dextrose injection. 
 ii. Metallics: Copper, Manganese and Zinc compounds (zinc chloride);  
 iii. Phosphates: Sodium acid phosphate and Sodium phosphate,  
 iv. Halogens: Iodine and Iodides or fluorides. 

(b) Pharmaceutical aids:  
 i. Adsorbents & Absorbents: Activated charcoal, aluminium sulphate, aluminium  phosphate. 
 ii. Antioxidants: Sodium Sulphite, sodium bisulphate and sodium metabisulphite. 
 iii. Desiccants: Silica gel. 
 iv. Excipients: Dicalcium & Tricalcium Phosphate, Magnesium stearate, Talc & ppted chalk. 
 v. Suspending agents: Bentonite, colloidal silica, aluminium stearate,. 
 vi. Colourants: Titanium oxide, ferric oxide 
 vii. Solvent and Vehicle: Purified water 

Definition, Preparation, Properties, Assay methods, Limit tests and Uses  
  i.  Expectorants: of Ammonium chloride, Potassium Iodide. 
 ii.  Emetics: Potassium antimony tartarate, copper Sulphate, Zinc Sulphate. 
 iii.  Antidotes: Sodium thiosulphate, sodium thiosulphate injection , sodium nitrite. 
 iv. Inhalants: Oxygen, Nitrous oxide, dilute solution of ammonia (BP), Ammonium carbonate (BP). 

Definition, Preparation, Properties, Assay methods, Limit tests and Uses  
 (a) Topical agents:   
 i. Astringents: ZnSO4, Zinc Oxide, Calcium Hydroxide, CuSO4 and Bismuth subcarbonate. 
 ii. Topical protectants: Zinc oxide, Calamine, Zinc stearate, Talc, Titanium-dioxide, Heavy kaolin and Light kaolin 
 iii.  Silicone polymers: Activated Dimethicone. 
 iv.  Anti infectives: Hydrogen peroxide, Potassium permanganate, Silver Nitrate  (Silver protein), Iodine, (solutions, povidone – iodine), boric acid, zinc – undecylenate, Mercury compounds (Yellow mercuric oxide, Ammoniated Mercury). Sulphur, Selenium sulphide. 
(b) Dental products:   
 i. Fluorides: Sodium fluoride, Sodium Monofluorophosphate and stannous fluoride. 
 ii. Oral antiseptics and Astringents: Hydrogen peroxide, Sodium peroxide (BP), Magnesium peroxide, Zinc peroxide and Mouth washes  
 iii. Dentifrices: Calcium carbonate, dibasic calcium phosphate, calcium phosphate, sodium metaphosphate and strontium chloride.  
 iv. Cements and Fillers: Zinc oxide. 
(c) Other Medicinal agents:   
 i. Internal parasiticides: Sodium Antimony Gluconate 
 ii. Anti-neoplastic agents: Cisplatin. 
 iii. Sedative-hypnotics: Potassium bromide 
 iv. Anti-depressants: Lithium carbonate 
 v. Anti-rheumatic agents: Sodium aurothiomalate 
 vi. Anti-thyroid agents: Potassium perchlorate 
 vii. Diagnostic agent: Barium Sulphate 
 viii. Surgical aid: Plaster of Paris 


Pharmacy profession: Pharmacy as a career, Pharmaceutical Education, Registration as a Pharmacist, Brief introduction to Evolution of Pharmacy, European and American Pharmacy. Pharmacopoeia (IP, BP, USP and International) and other sources, SI and imperial systems, inter conversions. Weighing - selection and care of weights and balances. Sensitivity and minimum weighable quantities.

Pharmaceutical calculations: Calculations of doses, enlarging and reducing recipes; Percentage solutions, alligation, alcohol dilutes and proof spirit. 

Prescription: Definition, Parts, sources of errors and care required in dispensing prescriptions, General Dispensing procedures, types of dispensing products. Dispensing of proprietary medicine. Prescription containers, closures and labeling of dispensed products, colors, flavors and sweeteners used in prescription. 

Dosage form: Definition, Advantages and limitations of dosage form. 
Principles involved and procedures adopted in preparation, labeling and dispensing of typical products (Unit III-IV). Uses of official and other products in common use. 

Liquid preparation: Aromatic waters, spirits, solutions, mixtures, syrups, elixirs, suspension, emulsion, lotions, liniments, eye, ear and nasal drops, inhalations, throat paints, gargles, glycerin and collodions. 

Semisolids: Ointments and their bases, creams, jellies, suppositories and their bases, effervescent granules, tablet tritrates, pastilles, lozenges and pills. 

Incompatibilities: Physical, Chemical and Therapeutic incompatibilities. Methods of overcoming and handling of incompatible prescriptions. 

Tinctures and Extracts: Methods of preparation and uses of Tinctures & Extracts official in IP. 

Medicinal Gases: Official medical gases and uses, containers and fitting, handling and storage. 

Radio Pharmaceuticals: Preparation, Therapeutic and Diagnostic uses. 


Plant Kingdom: Definition and Classification 

Plant cells: Its structure, living and non-living inclusions. Different types of plant tissues and their functions, Mitosis and Meiosis. 

Morphology and Histology: Roots, Stems, Barks, Woods, Leaf, Flower, Fruit and Seed. Modification: Root, Stem, Leaf and Infloresence. 

Plant Taxonomy: Classification, study of the following families with special references to medicinal and economical important plants 
a) Apocynaceae b) Solanaceae c)Umbelliferae 
d) Leguminosae e) Scrophulariaceae f) Rubiaceae 

Plant Physiology: Absorption, transpiration, respiration photosynthesis, basis in DNA replication. 
Genetic code and Heredity: Polyploidy, hydridization and mutation. 

The study of animal cell: Animal tissue and cell division, difference between plant cell and animal cell, study of different systems of frog. Histology of liver, kidney, skeletal muscles, smooth muscles, pancrease, intestine and endocrine glands of rabbit. 

Morphology and Life History of Human Parasites: Plasmodium, Entamoeba, tapewarm, ascaris, leishmania, anchylostoma and trypanosoma. Life history of Mosquitoes and housefly as agents for spreading diseases. 


Structure and Reactivity of Organic Molecules 
Hybrid orbitals, Molecular orbitals and Covalent bond, Bond angles, Heterolysis, Polarity of covalent bond, Polarity of Molecules, Dipole moments, Intermolecular forces, Boiling Point, Melting Point, Solubility, 
Electronic effects: Inductive effect, Electromeric or Mesomeric effect and Resonance. Isomerism (structural and spatial). 
Reaction Progress - Activation Energy, Energy diagrams of Reactants and Products. 

Aliphatic Hydrocarbons 
Nomenclature, Physical properties, General Methods of Preparation and Characteristic reactions of Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes; Heats of combustion or Heats of Hydrogenation, Homologous series, Free radical reactions of Alkanes (Halogenation), Catalytic reduction and Electrophilic addition reactions of Alkenes and Alkadienes, Markonikov’s Addition, Anti Markonikov’s Addition, Peroxide effect or Kharasch effect, Cis-Trans reduction of alkynes, Acidity of 1-Alkynes. Electrophilic addition reactions of alkynes, stability of conjugated alkadienes and their addition reactions. 
General methods of preparation of Cycloalkanes: Nomenclature, ring size, stability, Bayer's strain theory, Sachse - Mohr theory, Puckered rings, Congifguration and Conformations of Cycloalkanes, axial and equatorial bonds, Cis-trans Isomers. 

Halogen and Hydroxy Compounds 
Nomenclature, General Methods of preparation, Relative reactivity of Halides and Hydroxy Compounds, primary, secondary and tertiary classes, Nucleophilic substitution reactions (SN1 and SN2 ) - Walden inversion, Elimination reactions (E1 and E2 ) - Sayetzeffs rule. 
Nucleophilic substitution V s Elimination. Oxidation of alcohols; 
Ethers: Nomenclature, Properties and Synthesis (Williamson's synthesis and Ziesel’s Method). 

A) Carbonyl Compounds (Aldehydes and Ketones) 

Nomenclature, General Methods of Preparation, relative reactivities of Carbonyl Compounds, Nucleophilic addition reactions, Addition-Elimination reactions - Schiffs bases, oxidative reactions. 

B) Carboxylic Acids and Acid Derivatives 
(Acid Halides, Anhydrides, Esters and Amides) 
Nomenclature, General Methods of Preparation of Carboxylic acids, Relative acidity of Carboxylic acids, Action of alkalis, salt formation, Alpha - Halogenation and functional (Nucleophilic substitution) reactions of Carboxylic acids and methods of preparation of acid derivatives, Hydrolysis of acid derivatives, Reactivity and synthetic applications of malonic ester and aceto-acetic ester. 

Nitrogen Compounds 
A) Nitro Compounds
Nomenclature, methods of preparation
B) Amines: 
Nomenclature, primary, secondary and tertiary types, Relative Basicity of amines, Reactions of amines, Action of Nitrous acid, alkylation and acylation, Nucleophilicity of amines, Hinsberg's method of separation of amines. 
Aryldiazonium salts - Reactions (synthetic applications) of aryldiazonium salts. 


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