This Blog has more than thousand Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharma

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Showing posts with label M. Pharmacy (Pharmacology)2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label M. Pharmacy (Pharmacology)2. Show all posts


Bioavailability and Bioquiovalence:   Objectives, bioavailability & variations, measurements of bioavailability, enhancing bioavailability, concepts of equivalents, official bioequivalence protocols & therapeutic equivalence. 
Drug Absorption:  General consideration, absorption / drug transport mechanisms, role factors affecting absorption, absorption of drug non-peroral routes, methods of determining absorption-in-vitro, in-situ, and in-vivo methods. 

Drug Distribution:  Factors affecting, protein & tissue binding, kinetics, determination of rate constants & different plots (direct, Scatchard, & reciprocal). 
Pharmacokinetcs:    Parameters & determination, pharmacokinetic models – one compartment, multi compartment in IV bolus, IV infusion & extra vascular, drug & metabolites levels in blood, urine and other 
biological fluids.  Integration of kinetics. 
Application of pharmacokinetics in new drug development, design of dosage forms and novel drug delivery systems. 
Drug Disposition and Excretion:   Biotransformation,  factors  affecting biotrasformation, Phase I &  Phase-II reactions. 
Clearance:  Concept, renal, non-renal clearance, mechanism, determination, % drug metabolized, different volume of distribution. 
Pharmacokinetics of Multiple Dosing:   Various terminology, determination, adjustment of dosage in renal & hepatic impairment, individualization of therapy, therapeutic drug monitoring. 
Non-linear kinetics:   Cause of non-linearity, estimation of various parameters, bioavailability of drugs that follow non-linear kinetics. Chronopharmacokinetics & pharmacokinetics of elderly and infants. 


 Principles of Pharmacokinetics.

            A. Revision of Basic concepts.
            B. Clinical Pharmacokinetics.
      1. Dose – response in man 
            2. Influence of renal and hepatic disease on Pharmacokinetics 
            3. Therapeutics drug monitoring
            4. Population Pharmacokinetics.

              Basics in clinical pharmacology
              Clinical trials of drugs,design of clinical trials
              Therapeutic drug monitoring and critieria for TDM.
 Adverse Drug Reactions, Drug Interactions and   ADR monitoring.

Pathophysiology and drug therapy of the following disorders.

Schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, epilepsy, Parkinson’s Alzheimer’s diseases Migraine hypertension, angina pectoris, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, myocardial infraction, TB, leprosy, leukemia, solid tumors, lymphomas, psoriasis, respiratory, urinary , g.i. tract infections, endocarditic, fungal and HIV infection, rheumatoid arthritis, glaucoma, menstrual disorders, menopause.

Drug therapy and Pharmacokinetics in
            a. Geriatrics
            b. Pediatrics
            c. Pregnancy & Lactation. 

Pharmacogenetics: Historical aspects of pharmacogenetics, biomarkers, inter-racial and individual variability in drugs metabolism., receptors .Role of drug transporters, interethnic differences, clinical view points and future perspectives, stem cell – a new therapeutic approach. Gene therapy, Pharmacovigilance concepts and its impact.


Course Objectives:
            To provide conceptual inputs regarding entrepreneurship management.
            To sensitize and motivate the students towards entrepreneurship management.
            To orient and impart knowledge towards identifying and implementing entrepreneurship opportunities.
            To develop management skills for entrepreneurship management.

            - Concept need and process in entrepreneurship development.
            - Role of enterprise in national and global economy
            - Types of enterprise – Merits and Demerits
            - Government policies and schemes for enterprise development
            - Institutional support in enterprise development and management

            - Entrepreneurial motivation – dynamics of motivation.
            - Entrepreneurial competency – Concepts.
            - Developing Entrepreneurial competencies - requirements and understanding the process of entrepreneurship development, self awareness, interpersonal skills, creativity, assertiveness, achievement, factors affecting entrepreneur'’ role.

            - Environment scanning – Information, sources, schemes of assistance, problems.
            - Enterprise selection, market assessment, enterprise feasibility study, SWOT Analysis.
            - Resource mobilization - finance, technology, raw material, site and manpower.
            - Costing and marketing management and quality control.
            - Feedback, monitoring and evaluation.

            - Performance appraisal and assessment
            - Profitability and control measures, demands and challenges
            - Need for diversification
            - Future Growth – Techniques of expansion and diversification, vision strategies
            - Concept and dynamics
            - Methods, Joint venture, co-ordination and feasibility study

- Project work – Feasibility report; Planning, resource mobilization and implementation.


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