UV-Visible Spectroscopy: Basic
principles, interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter and its
effects (electronic transitions). Concept of chromophore and auxochrome, effect
of conjugation, solvent and pH. Instrumentation (components and their
significance). Absorption spectra of organic compounds and complexes
illustrating the phenomenon and its utilization in qualitative and quantitative
studies of drugs including multicomponent analysis. Woodward-Fieser rules for
calculating absorption maximum for unsaturated hydrocarbons. Difference and
derivative spectra.
Infra-Red Spectroscopy: Interaction
of infrared radiation with organic molecules and it’s effects on bonds.
Instrumentation- Dispersive IR spectrophotometers and Fourier transform
spectrophotometers. Sample handling for IR spectroscopy. Interpretation of IR
spectra. Brief note on ATR. (Attenuated
Total Reflectance).
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy:
Fundamental principles of NMR,
instrumentation (components and their significance). Chemical shifts
concept, spin- spin coupling, spin-spin decoupling, shielding and deshielding,
solvents. signal multiplicity phenomena in high resolution PMR. Interpretation
of PMR spectra.
introduction about Carbon-13 NMR and 2D NMR Spectroscopy.
Spectrometry: Basic principles and
instrumentation (components and their significance). Ionization techniques,
mass spectrum and its characteristics, molecular ion, metastable ions, fragment
ions; fragmentation processes, fragmentation patterns and fragment
characteristics in relation to parent structure and functional groups. Relative
abundances of isotopes and their contribution to characteristic peaks.
Techniques: Classification of
chromatographic methods based on mechanism of separation and their basic
principles. Gas chromatography: Instrumentation, column efficiency
parameters, derivatisation methods, applications in pharmaceutical analysis. Liquid
chromatography: Comparison of GC and HPLC, instrumentation in HPLC, normal
and reversed phase packing materials, column selection, mobile phase selection,
efficiency parameters, applications in pharmaceutical analysis. Instrumentation
and applications of HPTLC, ion exchange chromatography, gel permeation
chromatography, chiral chromatography, flash chromatography, and supercritical
fluid chromatography (SFC).
Electrophoresis: Principles, instrumentation and applications of
moving boundary electrophoresis, zone electrophoresis (ZE), isotachphoresis,
isoelectric focusing (IEF), continuous electrophoresis (preparative) and
capillary electrophoresis. SDS gel electrophoresis and blotting
immunoassay and ELISA: Principle,
instrumentation, applications and limitations.