Receptor Pharmacology
General aspects of receptor
pharmacology,structural and functional aspects of receptor s, regulation of
receptors,isolation,classification and characterization of receptors.
Neurotransmission Pharmacology
General aspects and steps
involoved in neurotransmission
Neurohumoral transimission in
autonomic nervous system.
Neurohumoral transmission in
central nervous system
non-cholinergic transmission [NANC].
and lytics, sympathomimetics and lytics, agents acting at neuromuscular
junction and ganglia.
General anaesthetics, sedatives, hypnotics. Drugs used to treat anxiety,
depression, psychosis, mania,epilepsy, neurodegenerative deseases, drug
dependence and addiction.
diuretics, anti ischemics, antihypertensives, antiarrythmics, drugs for heart
failure and dyslipieiemia.
Autocoid pharmacology- a
study of the mechanisms involved in the
formation, release,
pharmacological actions and possible physiological role
histamine,serotinine,kinins,prostaglandins,opioidautocoids and cyclic
3’ – 5’ AMP. Systemic pharmacology of
drugs acting as agonists and antagonists
to the autocoids.
GIT Pharmacology – anti
ulcer,prokinetics,antiemetics, antidiarrhoeal and drugs for
constipation and irritable
bowel syndrome.
Hormone and hormone
antagonists.Anti biotics and chemotherapeutic agents.Analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents.
Generation of free radicals, role of free
radicals in etiopathology of various diseases, protective activity of certain
important antioxidants. Cell and biochemical mediators involved in allergy,
immunomodulation and inflammation. Classification of hypersensitivity reactions
and diseases involved. Therapeutic agents for allergy, asthma, COPD and other
immunological diseases with emphasis on immunomodulators.