This Blog has more than thousand Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharma

"This Blog has more than 1000 Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharmacy and Medical" Thank You for Visiting



Pre Formulation Studies 
Study of Physical Properties of Drug: Particle size, Shape, pKa, Solubility, Partition Coefficient, Crystallinity, Polymorphism and Hygroscopicity, 
Powder Characteristics: Bulk density, Flow Properties, Solid State stability, Solution stability, and Stability Protocol, Dissolution and Organoleptic property and their effect on formulation. 
Study of Chemical Properties of Drug: Hydrolysis, Oxidation, Polymerization etc., and their influence on formulation and stability of the Products. 

Sustained Action Pharmaceuticals 
Concept, Benefits, Limitations, Advantages & Disadvantages, Definition of various types of prolonged action pharmaceuticals. 

Sustained Action Oral Products: Theory-Zero order release approximation, First order release approximation, Approaches based on drug modification and dosage form modification, in vitro & in vivo evaluation of the sustained release products. Formulation -Drug complexes, Encapsulated slow release granules, Tabletted slow release granulations and matrix tablets. 
Microencapsulation: Applications, Core and Coat materials, Techniques- Air suspension, Coacervation-Phase separation, Pan Coating, Spray Drying & Spray congealing, Solvent Evaporation,. Polymerisation. 

New Drug Delivery Systems

Importance, Formulation and Applications. 
Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems: Concept, Advantages and disadvantages, Approaches used in developing Transdermal drug delivery systems (4 types), in vitro evaluation of Transdermal drug delivery systems. 
Liposomes: Formulation, Preparation of liposomes-physical dispersion and solvent dispersion, Characterisation of Liposomes, Applications in Pharmacy. 
Occular Drug Delivery Systems: Concept, Advantages and disadvantages, Mucoadhesives, design of Occuserts (Pilo 40 and Pilo 20), Erodable inserts. 
Nanoparticles: A brief introduction to Nanoparticle technology and Nanoparticles as drug carriers in controlled & targeted drug delivery systems. 

Performance Evaluation Methods 
Bioavailability: Definitions, Objectives, Considerations, Assessments, Enhancement Methods, Dissolution Studies for solid dosage forms and methods of interpretation of dissolution data. 

In vitro and In vivo methods of evaluation 
Bioequivalence: Definition, Objectives, Testing Protocols and Procedures, Experimental Design of single dose bioequivalence study and Statistical Interpretation of data. 
Concepts of Process Validation: Definition, Importance, types of validation in Pharmaceutical Operations and Introduction to different process validation methods. Concepts of Good Manufacturing Practices in Production of Pharmaceutical Products 

Quality Control and Assurance 
Introduction, Quality Assurance, Sources of Quality variation, 
Control of Quality variation: Raw Materials Control - Raw Material Quality Assurance Monograph, Active or Therapeutic Materials Control, 
Quality Assurance at startup - Raw Materials Processing, Compounding, Packing materials. Quality Assurance during packing operation - Auditing, Concept of statistical Quality Control and Quality Control Charts. 
Control & Assurance of Manufacturing practices: Personal, Equipment & Buildings. Control of records - Master formula record, Batch production record. 
Control of production procedures - Manufacturing control, Packing Control and Labels control. Stabilization and stability testing protocols for various pharmaceutical products. 


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