This Blog has more than thousand Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharma

"This Blog has more than 1000 Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharmacy and Medical" Thank You for Visiting



Poly Functional Natural Products 
Carbohydrates: Introduction, Definition, Classification, Isolation, General Properties (including isomerism) and Pharmaceutical importance of Carbohydrates, Chemistry (Structme, Nomenclatme and Reactions) of glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, cellulose and starch. 
Oils & Fats: Introduction, Definition, Classification, Isolation, General properties and Pharmaceutical importance of oils and fats. Chemistry (Structme, Nomenclature and Reactions) of Oils and Fats and analyse according to Pharmacopoeial methods 

Amino Acids and Proteins 
Introduction, Definition, Classification, Isolation, General properties and Pharmaceutical importance of mnino acids and their relationship to proteins and polypeptides. 
Chemistry of Protein Hormones: Insulin, Oxytocins, Thyroxin and anti-thyroid drugs 

Flavanoids and Terpenoids 
Flavonoids: Somces, Uses, chemistry and General methods of structural determination (chemical & spectral analysis) of Amygdalin, arbution and quercetin 
Terpenoids: Isoprene rule, Special Isoprene Rule for terpenes, General methods of isolation and. Chemistry of citral, menthol and cmnphor. 

Alkaloids - Purine and Xanthine Derivatives 
Introduction, Definition, Occurrence, Classification, Isolation, General properties and Pharmaceutical importance of Alkaloids. General methods of extraction, structme elucidation and Chemistry (Structme, Nomenclatme and Reactions) of ephedrine, atropine, papaverine and quinine and also Caffeine and mic acid. 

Introduction, Definition, Occurrence, Classification, Isolation, General properties and Pharmaceutical importance of Sterols: colom reactions of cholesterol, stigmasterol, ergosterol. Importance & general concepts of bile acids. Steroidal saponins: Diosgenin and hecogenin. Androgens, Estrogens, Progestational agents, Steroidal contraceptives. Adrenocorticoids, Deoxycorticosterone, Cortisone, Prednisone, Aldosterone. Cardiac Glycosides of Digitalis other Cardiac drugs, Strophanthus and Squill. 


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