This Blog has more than thousand Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharma

"This Blog has more than 1000 Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharmacy and Medical" Thank You for Visiting



Synthetic Reagents and Applications: Lead tetra acetate (LTA), n-bromo succinamide (NBS), osmonium tetraoxide, lithium aluminium hydride (LAH), sodium borohydride, DCC (Dicyclohexyl carbodimide), and 2,3-dichlro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone (DDQ).

Mechanism and applications of reactions and reagents:
            a. Claisen ester condensation, 
            b. Mannich reaction, 
            c. Micheal addition, 
            d. Witting reaction, 
            e. Synthetic applications of ethyl aceto acetate, diethyl malonate, ethylcyano acetate.

Development & scale up of process for the manufacture of new pharmaceuticals: 
            1. Introduction, synthetic route selection, development and scale up, optimization of synthetic routes-yield improvement, investigative approach, streamlining the process.
            2. A brief account on Green Chemistry: principles, and applications.
Synthetic Strategies: Introduction to disconnection approach, consecutive vs convergent synthesis, various strategic approaches in retro synthesis, strategic bond approach-preliminary scan, criteria in disconnection of strategic bonds, identifying strategic bonds in rings.

Combinatorial Chemistry: Introduction, solid phase techniques, parallel synthesis, mixed combinatorial chemistry, deconvulution techniques, tagging, photolithography, limitations of combinatorial chemistry, planning and designing of combinatorial synthesis.


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