This Blog has more than thousand Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharma

"This Blog has more than 1000 Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharmacy and Medical" Thank You for Visiting



Computation of analytical results - Significant figures, Concept of error, precision, accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, detection limit, linearity and range, ruggedness, standard deviation Rejection of doubtful values with special reference to volumetric and gravimetric analysis. Calibration of analytical equipment. 
Fundamentals of volumetric analysis, methods of expressing concentration, primary and secondary standards. 

Physico-chemical concepts required for analysis such as electrolytic dissociation, Modem theory of acids, bases and salts - Bronstead - Lowry theory, Lewis electronic theory; chemical equilibrium, pH and buffer action, solubility product, common ion effect, hydrolysis of salts and amphoteric substances. 
Principles of Neutralization reactions; Theory of indicators and Neutralization indicators. 

Principles of oxidation-reduction titration's, redox, self-indicators and their use, reactions in pharmaceutical analysis precipitation. 
Principles of gravimetric analysis - typical methods involving precipitation, coagulation, digestion, drying procedures, co-precipitation. 

Theory and applications of complexometric titration's, argentometry, iodometry, potassium iodate, potassium bromate, EDT A, non-aqueous tritrations redox titration's, ammonium sulphate, titanous chloride. Principles of gas analysis. 

Stoichiometry of Ionic equations and Solutions: The Mole concept, Measuring of Moles of Elements and Compounds; Percentage Composition; Emperical and Molecular Formula; Balancing of Chemical Equations; Some analytical problems and calculations based on mass balance, limiting reagent theoretical yield and percentage yield.


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