This Blog has more than thousand Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharma

"This Blog has more than 1000 Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharmacy and Medical" Thank You for Visiting



Introduction to pharmacognosy, methods of classification of crude drugs. Systematic description and storage of crude drugs. Plant hormones and their applications 

Cultivation - Advantages and disadvantages of obtaining drugs from cultivated and wild Plants. Variability of drug constituents due to exogenous and endogenous factors like altitude, light, temperature, rainfall, propagation by seeds, vegetative means, selection, mutation, hybridization and polyploidy. 

Collection of Medicinal Plants - effect of season, time of collection and age of the plant on the quality of active principles. Treatment subsequent to collection - desirable and undesirable changes after collection / drying. 

Plant Biosynthesis - Techniques employed in Biosynthetic pathways, precursor - product sequence, competitive feeding, sequential analysis. Study of basic metabolic pathways, Carbohydrate synthesis, Shikimic acid pathway, Isoprenoid biosynthesis. 

Hazards - like infestation with spores of micro organisms eggs and steps to prevent the same. Drugs deterioration by non living factors like moisture etc., and steps to prevent deterioration. Adulterations of crude drugs and their detection. Quality control of crude drugs and Phytochemicals. Study of the following methods for evaluation, identity, purity, quality by organoleptic, microscopic, physical, chemical and biological characters; Moisture content determination, determination of foreign organic matters and analysis of volatile oils, quantitative microscopic exercises including lycopodium spore method, leaf constant, crude fibre content. 

Systematic Phamacognostic study of following drugs 
Carbohydrates - Agar, Tragacanth, acacia, starch, isabgol linseed, regenerated carbohydrate fibres, cellulose, alginates and tamarind; Fixed Oils, Fats and Waxes - Chaulmoogroil, neem oil, castor oil, olive oil, bees wax, spermaceti, carnaubawa, theorbroma oil, and lard. 
Tannins - Myrobalan, Black catechu, Pale catechu, gal amla and arjuna. 

Systemic Pharmacognostic study of the following Fibers: Cotton, Jute, Hemp, Rayon, Wool, silk and Nylon. 

Drugs from mineral and animal origin - Kaolin, talc Bentonite, Cod liver oil, Shark liver oil, cantherides, Musk, Honey, and cochineal. 

Proteins & Enzvme - Papain, Pepsi Gelatin, Pancreatin  


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