This Blog has more than thousand Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharma

"This Blog has more than 1000 Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharmacy and Medical" Thank You for Visiting



Introduction to the Science of Microbiology and Microscopy. Groups of microbes (bacteria, fungi, virus and actinomycetes) classification, macro and micro morphology and taxonomy. Different methods of bacterial count. Nutrition, Cultivation, Isolation, Identification and Preservation of pure cultures. Organisms important in Pharmacy. 

Different biochemical reactions employed in identification of organisms, stains and staining, tolerance, Physiology and reproduction of bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, yeasts and viruses. Microbial genetics and Variation: Introduction, genetic organization, mutation, mutagens, different types of mutants, physical and chemical mutagenesis repair mechanism and their isolation. 

Disinfections: Factors influencing disinfections, dynamics of disinfections, different groups of disinfectants and antiseptics and their evaluation and applications. 
Sterilization: Premises and Equipment, detailed evaluation and application of different sterilization methods. Sterilization indicators and their importance. 

Microbial attack and host defense, virulence and pathogen city, primary and specific defensive mechanisms of body. 
General Principles of immunology and their applications. Immunogenetics: Classification and principles of different types of immunity, Immune systems - humoral immunity, cellular immunity and tolerance. Phagocytosis, Hypersensitivity and other reactions. 
General Principles of Serology and Chemical nature of antigens, antibodies. Different antigen - antibody reactions and their applications. Precipitation, agglutination and their significance in diagnosis and diagnostic tests. Different antigens of bacterial cells, monophasic and biphasic variation. Bacterial exotoxins and endotoxins, Toxoids. 

General principles of infection and communicable diseases. Significant symptoms, General modes of transmission of the following epidemic and endemic diseases. 
a) Tuberculosis, cholera, typhoid. b) Diphtheria, whooping cough. c) Plague, malaria, filariasis, infuenza. d) Infective hepatitis, poliomyelitis. 
Systematic studies of a few selected organisms - E.Coli, Pencillium sps, Streptomyces sps, Saccharomyces sps. Microbiology of water and milk. 


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