This Blog has more than thousand Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharma

"This Blog has more than 1000 Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharmacy and Medical" Thank You for Visiting



Introduction, definition, classification, isolation, tests, chemical nature and uses of Rauwolfia, Vinca, Nuxvomica, opium, ipecac, belladonna, dattura, lobelia, vasaka, kurchi, ephedra, cinchona, colchicum, aconite, punemava, shankhupushpi, tobacco. 

Introduction, Definition, Classification, Isolation, tests, chemical nature and uses of Senna, aloes, rhubarb, digitalis, squill, dioscoreia, liquorice, momordica, black mustard, ammi, psoralia, gentian, picrorriza, ashwagandha, gokhru, kalmegh, stropanthus, shatavari, brahmi, quassia, gymnema. 

Chemistry, Tests, Isolation, Characterization and Estimation of Following Constituents 1. Sennosides from Senna 2. Caffine from tea 3. Cineole from eucalyptus oil 
4. Quinine from cinchona 5. Carvone from dill 6. Tannic acid from myrobalan 
7. Rutin, hesperidin from citrus fruits. 
Introduction, definition, classification, isolation, tests, chemical nature and uses of Volatile Oils and Resins from following Plant Sources: Fennel, Clove, Cinamon, Gaultheria oil, Artemisia, Taxus, Capscium, Turmeric, Podophyllum, Guggul Asafoetida and Pyrethrum. 

Tissue Culture 
History, introduction, callus culture, suspension culture, Immobilization of culture, single cell culture, organogenesis and embryo culture. 
Production of secondary metabolites, biotransformation and clonal propagation, Significance and application of plant tissue culture. 

Herbal Medicines 
Herbal medicines in India, practice, regulations, Quality Control and Standardization of Raw Materials. Types of herbal formulations and products. 


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