This Blog has more than thousand Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharma

"This Blog has more than 1000 Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharmacy and Medical" Thank You for Visiting



Solubility and Distribution Phenomena 
Definitions, Expressions, Phase rule, Solvent - Solute interactions - polar solvents and semipolar solvents, Solubility of gases in liquids - effect of pressure and temperature, Salting out, Effect of chemical reactions, Solubility calculations. Solubility of liquids in liquids ideal and real solutions, Complete and partial miscibility, Influence of foreign substances, Three component systems, Dielectric constant and solubility. Solubility of solids in liquids Ideal and non ideal solutions solvation and association in solutions. Solubility of salts in water, Solubility of slightly soluble and week electrolytes, Calculating solubility of weak electrolytes as influenced by pH, Influence of solvents on the solubility of drugs, Combined effect of solvents. Distribution of solutes between immiscible solvents - Effect of ionic dissociation and molecular association on partition & extraction, Solubility and partition coefficients, Preservative action of weak acids in emulsions, Drug action and partition coefficients. 

Chemical Kinetics 
Rates and orders of reactions - Rate, order of reaction, Molecularly, Specific rate constant, Units of basic rate constants, Mathematical treatment of rates. 
Apparent zero order kinetics. First order reactions. Second order reactions. Determination of order of a reaction. Elementary idea complex reactions. Specific and general acid base catalysis. Influence of temperature and other factors on reaction rates - Effect of solvents, Ionic strength, Dielectric constant, Catalysts and light. Decomposition and destabilization of medicinal agents against hydrolysis, Oxidation. Kinetics in the solid state. Accelerated stability analysis. 

Interfacial Phenomena 
Introduction, liquid interphases - Surface and interfacial tensions, Surface free energy, measurement of surface and interfacial tensions, Spreading coefficient. Adsorption at liquid interfaces - Surface active agents, Systems of hydrophilic - Lipophilic classification, Solubilization and detergency. Types of monolayer at liquid surfaces, applications of amphiphiles. Absorption at solid interfaces - Solid/Gas interface - Solid/Liquid interface. Electric properties of interfaces - Electric double layer, N emst and zeta potentials. 

Colloids and Micromeritics 
Dispersed systems, Size and shape of colloidal particles - pharmaceutical application, Types - Lipophilic, Lipophobic and Association colloids, Comparison of properties of colloidal sols; Optical, Kinetic and Electric properties of colloids, Solubilization gels - Structure, Properties and Applications. 
Particle size and size distribution - average particle size, particle size distribution, number and weight distributions, Particle number; Methods for determining particle size - optical microscopy, sieving, Sedimentation, Particle volume measurement, Particle shape and surface area, Methods for determining surface area - Absorption methods, Air permeability methods; Derived properties of powders - Porosity, Packing arrangements, Densities, bulkiness, Flow properties. 

Rheology and Polymers 
Rheology of Pharmaceutical Fluids: Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Systems; 
Newtonian systems - Laws of flow, Kinematic viscosity, Effect of temperature. 
Non newtonian systems - Plastic and Pseudoplastic dilatant flow. 
Thixotropy - Measurement of thixotropy, Thixotropy in formulation. 
Determination of rheologic properties - choice of viscometer, Capillary, falling sphere, Cup and bob, and cone and plate viscometers. Psychorheology. Applications to pharmacy.
Polymers: Definition, Types of Polymers, Water Soluble and Water Insoluble Polymers; Polymers as Thickening Agents; Pharmaceutical Application of Polymers; 


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