This Blog has more than thousand Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharma

"This Blog has more than 1000 Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharmacy and Medical" Thank You for Visiting



Materials of Construction: Factors affecting the material selection for Pharmaceutical plants. 

Ferrous Metals: Cast iron steels and Stainless steels, 

Non-Ferrous Metals: Copper, Aluminum, Lead, Tin, Silver, Nickel, Zinc, Platinum, Chromium and their important alloys. 

Nonmetals: Glass, Stoneware, Stone slate, Brick, Concrete, Asbestos, Rubber, Timber, Plastics. 

Corrosion and its Prevention: Types of corrosion, factors influencing corrosion, theories of corrosion, methods of prevention of corrosion. 
Definition of unit operations, unit processes. Steady and unsteady states, dimensionless equations, dimensional formulas, dimensional analysis, and dimensionless groups. 

Fluid Flow: Fluid static's, manometers, types of flow, Bernoulli's theorem, losses in mechanical energy of flowing fluids, measurement of fluids flow rate - orifice, venturi, pitot and rotameter, flow meters. 

Heat Transfer: Nature of heat flow, 
Conduction: - Fourier's law, thermal conductivity, compound resistance in series, heat flow through a cylinder - mean radius and mean area. 
Convection: - Natural and forced convection, temperature gradients in forced convection, surface and over all coefficients. Parallel current and counter current flow. 
Radiation: -black body, Stefan Boltzaman law, and gray body. Heaters, heat interchangers, scraped surface exchangers, extended surface equipment. 
Steam as heating medium: - properties and uses of steam traps, vacuum pumps, condensers, entrainment separators, foam and its prevention. 

Transportation of Materials 
Solids: - Classification, principles of construction & uses of different types of conveyers, detailed study of belt, screw and pneumatic conveyers. 
Fluids: - Pipes, tubes, joints, fittings, valves, Different types of reciprocating & rotary pumps, air lift pumps, screw pumps, monopumps, peristaltic pumps. 
Gases: - Fans, Blowers, types of compressors, ejectors, vacuum pumps, jet pumps. 

Humidification dehumidification and air conditioning: Definition of various terms, wet bulb and adiabatic saturation temperatures, humidity chart, determination of humidity, methods of increasing and decreasing humidity. Air conditioning - applications in pharmacy.
Refrigeration: Definition; compression and absorption; types of refrigeration cycles; coefficient of performance, refrigerants and their choice; Brine systems, load and applications in pharmacy. 

Filtration: Laboratory filtration equipment, classification of industrial filters, sand filters, chamber press, plate & frame filter press, brief description of leaf filters, rotary continuous filters, top feed filters, streamline & meta filters, choice of filtration unit. Membrane filters, Air filtration. Filter operation - effect of pressure, filter aids, Filter media, factors affecting rate of filtration, pretreatment of materials. Filtration theory - Mechanism of filtration, Kozeny equation and its limitations. 

Centrifugation: Theoretical considerations, large scale centrifuges classification, perforated & non perforated basket centrifuges, disc centrifuge bowls, tubular bowl centrifuges, horizontal centrifuges, continuous centrifuges, vertical solid bowl centrifuge, laboratory equipment. 


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