This Blog has more than thousand Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharma

"This Blog has more than 1000 Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharmacy and Medical" Thank You for Visiting



UV /Visible Spectroscopy 
Regions of Electromagnetic spectrum, properties of EMR, atomic and molecular spectra, Beer - Lambert's law and deviations from Beer's law Principles and theoretical aspects of UVN/Visible Spectroscopy, electronic transition, effect of conjugation, concept of chromophore and auxochrome, bathochromic, hypsochromic, hyperchromic and hypochromic shifts Instrumentation - components of spectrophotometer, types of spectrophotometers, Solvents and sample handling, Applications - Qualitative and quantitative analysis - single component 

IR spectroscopy 
Principles and theoretical aspects - Molecular vibrations, Hook’s Law, Intensity and position of IR bands, Measurement of IR spectrum, finger print region and characteristic absorption of various functional groups. 
Instrumentation - Spectrophotometer components, Sample preparation and handling Application - Interpretation of IR spectra of simple organic compounds, quantitative applications. 

i)NMR - A brief introduction to the principle and instrumentation, chemical shift, spin-spin interaction, shielding and de shielding. 
ii)MS - A brief introduction to the principle and instrumentation, various methods of ion production and fragmentation rules. 
iii)Fluorescence spectroscopy - Fundamentals, radiative and non radiative process, mirror image relation ship, fluorescence and molecular structure, properties of fluorescence. Instrumentation - components of spectrofluorimeter and applications 

Electrochemical methods 
i) Amperometric titrations 
ii) Potentiometry - principles and theoretical aspects - electrodes, measurement of cell potential, end point evaluation methods, potentiometric titrations, Null point potentiometry and application. 
iii) Conductometry - principles and theoretical aspects, conductance, equivalent and molar conductance, effect of dilution on conductance, conductivity water, cell constant, conductivity cell, measurement of conductivity, conductimetric titrations and applications. Other analytical techniques - Principle, Instrumentation and application of following instrumental methods of analysis nephelometry, turbidometry, flame photometryand differential thermal analysis 

Chromatography: Principle, instrumentation and experimental details and applications of paper chromatography, TLC, column chromatography, gas chromatography, HPLC and HPTLC. 
Electrophoresis : Principle, instrumentation, experimental details and applications of paper and gel electrophoresis . 


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