This Blog has more than thousand Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharma

"This Blog has more than 1000 Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharmacy and Medical" Thank You for Visiting



Introduction: Anatomical terms in relation to parts of the body, system and organs.
Elementary knowledge of the human skeleton; Tissues of the body – properties and
functions of epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous and osteous (bone) tissues; General
principles of membrane permeability, diffusion, transport, membrane potentials and
action potentials.

Nervous Systems: Neuron, Synapses, ganglion, plexus, physiology of nerve impulse,
neurotransmission, reflex arc, central nervous system (parts and functions) and autonomic
nervous system.

Cardiovascular System and Blood: Heart, blood vessels, cardiac cycle, circulation,
blood pressure and its regulations. Blood (composition and function).

Respiratory System: Gross anatomy of respiratory passages, physiology of respiration,
nervous control of respiration, vital capacity, respiratory volume, introduction to terms
such as anoxia, hypoxia & dyspnoea.

Digestive System: Gross anatomy of alimentary canal, movements of alimentary canal,
gastric secretions and the enzymes involved in digestion.

Endocrine System: Mechanisms of hormonal secretion, Physiological considerations of
thyroid, pancreas, pituitary, parathyroid, adrenal glands & gonads; Disorders of hypo &
hyper secretion.

Urinogental System: Various parts, structure and functions of the kidney and urinary
tract. Physiology of urine formation, output and factors controlling it.
Physiology of Special Senses: basic anatomy and physiology of the eye (vision), ear
(hearing), taste buds (Tongue), nose (smell) and skin (touch and pain).

Health Education (Epidemiology) and Family Planning.

Elementary pathology – Diseased and pathological processes. 

Inflammation and repair, 

Retrograde changes including disturbances of metabolism, 

Circulation like haemorrhage, 

Thrombosis and growth including various tumors (Neoplasms). 



Oedema and shock. 

Nutritional disorder (Vitamin deficiency) 


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