This Blog has more than thousand Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharma

"This Blog has more than 1000 Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharmacy and Medical" Thank You for Visiting



Genetic Engineering
Introduction, History, Development, Application and Scope Genetics, DNA/RNA replication, Restriction Endonucleases, DNA Ligases, Vectors, Hosts, Cloning strategies, Gene Expression in Recombinant DNA. Application of recombinant DNA in manufacture of biological products such as Insulin, Human growth hormones, Interferons and Interleukins. 
Biochemical Engineering – Fermentation Technology 
Introduction, development and maintenances of industrial micro-organisms, batch and continuous fermentations, process controls, oxygen supply and demand, single and multiple bubble aeration, sparger aeration, foam control equipment, scale-up of Fermentors.
Microbiological Assay of antibiotics and Vitamin B12 .
Study of culture, media, production conditions, extraction and purification of the following: 
Antibiotics – Semi synthetic penicillin’s, streptomycin and erythromycin as per IP.  
Hormones - Insulin Production 
Enzymes – Amylase and Diastase; Immobilization and their applications in drug manufacture.  
Biomass – Lactobacillus sporogenes  
Immunization Products
Manufacture, Standardization, Storage, Labeling and Specific Applications of the following vaccines: Bacterial vaccines, toxoids, viral vaccines, Rickettsial vaccines, Rabies, MMR, BCG, DPT, Cholera, Hepatitis B and Polio 
Standardization and Storage of the following Passive immunization products – Anti toxins, Anti venom, Immune sera and other products related to immunity and Immuno Diagnostics;  
Blood and Glandular Products  
Collection, processing and storage of whole human blood, Concentrated human R.B.C. dried human plasma, Human plasma protein fraction, dried human serum, Human fibrinogen, Human thrombin, human normal immunoglobulin, Human fibrin foam, Plasma substitutes – Ideal requirements, PVP, Dextran 40, Control of blood products, Transfusion products. 
Preparation of extracts and isolation of pure substances and their dosage forms from Pituitary, Adrenal, Pancreas and Thyroid glands;. 
Biotransformations and Animal Cell Biotechnology  
Microbial transformation of steroids: Introduction, Types and methods of transformations mediated by microorganisms, design of biotransformation processes and selection of organisms. 
Animal cell culture: Techniques, Media used and Applications. 
Hybridoma culture: Production of monoclonal antibodies and their applications. 


Introduction to Hospital and Hospital Pharmacy 
Hospital and its Organisation,  
Hospital Pharmacy: Objectives, Functions, Organisation, Planning, Personnel and Administration of Hospital Pharmacy Services; Hospital Drug Policy – General Considerations; 
Hospital Committees: Purpose, Organization and Functions of Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee (PTC), Role of Hospital Pharmacist in Hospital Committees and Practice of Rational Drug Therapy and Drug Exchange Program; 
Hospital Formulary  
Organization, Formulary Content, Preparation and Distribution; Pharmacy Procedural Manual Preparation; Drug distribution, Dispensing to Inpatient and Ambulatory Patient care, Dispensing of ancillary and controlled substance; Procurement and Distribution of alcohol; Manufacturing of Bulk and sterile supplies; Storage and Handling of Radio isotopic Pharmaceuticals; Budget Planning, Purchasing and Inventory Control; Use of Surgical Instruments & Hospital Equipment. 
Clinical Pharmacy   
Introduction, Scope, History and Development of Clinical Pharmacy; Investigational use of Drugs and Drug Therapy Monitoring with examples, Adverse Drug Reaction Management; Drug and Poison Information, Medication history review and Patient Counseling; Patient Compliance, Patient Data Analysis and its Use in evaluation of Clinical Tests for Common Disease States and Organ Functional Tests (Liver, Pulmonary and Renal) for Drug Therapy; Definition and Differences of Generic and Prescription Drugs; 
Basic Principles of Drug Therapy  
Concepts of Essential Drugs and Rational Drug Use; 
Drug Distribution: Out Patient and In Patient Services; Unit dose drug distribution systems, floor ward stock systems, satellite pharmacy services, central sterile services and bed side pharmacy; 
Drug- Drug Interactions: Mechanism of Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic interactions with suitable examples; Food and Drug interactions. Incidence, Classification and Surveillance Methods of Adverse Reactions of Drugs; Therapeutic Aspects of Pharmaco Genetics; 
Drug induced Disease – Dermatological, Hepatic, GI, Renal, Gout, Parkinsonism, Cancer, Depression, Psychosis, Ototoxicity, Ocular toxicity and Teratogenicity. Adverse drug reactions.  
Pharmaco Therapy of Diseases 
Diseases: – Symptoms, Manifestation, Patho-Physiology and Etiology of - Gastrointestinal diseases: Peptic ulcer, Ulcerative colitis, Hepatitis & Cirrhosis (Liver). Cardio Vascular System diseases – Angina Pectoris, Acute Myocardial Infunction, Atherosclerosis, Essential Hypertension, Cardiac arrhythmia. Respirtory diseases – Asthma and T.B.; STD – HIV, Syphilis and Gonorrhea.; Anemia, Parkinsonism, Diabetes, Gout and Rheumatiod arthritis. 
Pharmaco Therapy and Critical Analysis of Rational Use of Drugs in the following Disorders: Cardio Vascular, Respiratory, Renal, Gastro-Intestinal, Nervous, Psychiatric, Rheumatic, Hematological, Endocrine and Infections. 


Introduction, Definition of cosmetics. Basic knowledge of the skin classification of cosmetics. 
General aspects of cosmetic preparations: Colouring agents in cosmetics, Preservatives and antioxidants and other additives used in cosmetics, Regulatory provisions related to cosmetics.  
An approach to the formulation, ingredients, use, method of manufacturing, packing, labeling, and quality control of the following cosmetics.  

Face Preparations - Vanishing creams, Cleansing creams, Face powders and lipsticks. 
Eye Preparations - Mascaras, Eye liners, Eye shadows. 
Baby Specialties - Baby powder, Baby oils, Baby lotions and Baby shampoos. 
Preparations For Skin - Bleaching preparations, Body Lotions and Body Creams. 
Preparations For Nails - Nail laquers and Nail polish removers  
Body Cosmetic Preparations - Deodorants, Antiperspirants and Talcum powders.    
Shaving Preparations: Pre-Shave and after-shave lotions, Shaving creams and Soaps.  
Preparations For The Hair - Shampoos, Hair Conditioners, Hair Straightners, Hair creams, Hair dyes, Depilatories and Epilatories. 
Dental Preparations - Tooth powders and pastes, Mouth washes.  
Herbal Cosmetics  
Skin care products: Body oils and Moisturising lotions.  
Hair care products - Shampoos, Hair Conditioners. 
Cosmetics for face: Face packs.    


UV-Visible Spectroscopy: Basic principles, interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter and its effects (electronic transitions). Concept of chromophore and auxochrome, effect of conjugation, solvent and pH. Instrumentation (components and their significance). Absorption spectra of organic compounds and complexes illustrating the phenomenon and its utilization in qualitative and quantitative studies of drugs including multicomponent analysis. Woodward-Fieser rules for calculating absorption maximum for unsaturated hydrocarbons. Difference and derivative spectra.

Infra-Red Spectroscopy: Interaction of infrared radiation with organic molecules and it’s effects on bonds. Instrumentation- Dispersive IR spectrophotometers and Fourier transform spectrophotometers. Sample handling for IR spectroscopy. Interpretation of IR spectra.  Brief note on ATR. (Attenuated Total Reflectance).

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Fundamental principles of NMR,  instrumentation (components and their significance). Chemical shifts concept, spin- spin coupling, spin-spin decoupling, shielding and deshielding, solvents. signal multiplicity phenomena in high resolution PMR. Interpretation of PMR spectra.
Brief introduction about Carbon-13 NMR and 2D NMR Spectroscopy.

Mass Spectrometry: Basic principles and instrumentation (components and their significance). Ionization techniques, mass spectrum and its characteristics, molecular ion, metastable ions, fragment ions; fragmentation processes, fragmentation patterns and fragment characteristics in relation to parent structure and functional groups. Relative abundances of isotopes and their contribution to characteristic peaks.

Chromatographic Techniques: Classification of chromatographic methods based on mechanism of separation and their basic principles. Gas chromatography: Instrumentation, column efficiency parameters, derivatisation methods, applications in pharmaceutical analysis. Liquid chromatography: Comparison of GC and HPLC, instrumentation in HPLC, normal and reversed phase packing materials, column selection, mobile phase selection, efficiency parameters, applications in pharmaceutical analysis. Instrumentation and applications of HPTLC, ion exchange chromatography, gel permeation chromatography, chiral chromatography, flash chromatography, and supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC).

Electrophoresis: Principles, instrumentation and applications of moving boundary electrophoresis, zone electrophoresis (ZE), isotachphoresis, isoelectric focusing (IEF), continuous electrophoresis (preparative) and capillary electrophoresis. SDS gel electrophoresis and blotting techniques.  

Radio immunoassay and ELISA: Principle, instrumentation, applications and limitations. 


Pharmacokinetics approach to New Drug Discovery
Basic concepts and Defination, importance of ADME parameters in disposition, therapeutics and development their implication on drug discovery.

Overview on computer aided Drug design (CADD) including QSAR, Combinational                  Chemistry, High Throughout screening (RTS)

Molecular Basis of Drugs Action: Cell signaling, communication between cells and their environment, ion-channels, organizations of signal transduction pathways, third messengers, biosensors.
Drug Latentiation :Basic concept,  Prodrugs of functional groups, Bio-precurssor prodrugs, chemical delivery system. 

Biotechnology in Drug Discovery: Cloning of DNA, Expression of cloned DNA, Manipulation of DNA sequence information, New Biological Targets for Drug Development Novel Drug Screening strategies, Novel Biological Agents, Antibodies, Antisense eligonucleotide therapy, Gene therapy.

Herbal Neutracauticals as new source for medicines.
Study of Advanced drugs from natural sources of following groups:
Anticancer, Anti AIDS, Hepatoprotectives, Antidiabetics, Brain Toni cs, Anti urolithiates, Antifilarial, Antihyperlipidimics.
Modern  phytochemical screening techniques and evaluation of herbal drugs and
 their extracts and  formulations, Concept of Reverse Pharmacognosy.


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