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"This Blog has more than 1000 Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharmacy and Medical" Thank You for Visiting



The Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies 
Definition, Scope and Importance; Indicators for Sustainable Development; 
Natural Resources: Forest, Land, Mineral, Food, Water and Energy Resources; Uses, Benefits, Safety, Security and over-exploitation; Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources. 
Sustainability Theory and Practice; Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles; Ecosystem: Concepts, Types, Characteristic Features, Structure and Functions 

Biodiversity and Its Conservation 
Introduction, Definition, Types and Levels of Biodiversity; Genetic, Species and Ecosystem diversity; Species Richness; Indigeneous Knowledge, Magnitude and Distribution of Biodiversity; 
Medicinal and Economic Value of biodiversity; Consumptive and Productive use; Biodiversity at Global, National and Local levels. 
Biogeographical Classification of India - India as a mega-diversity nation and Hot spots; Threats to biodiversity; Endangered and endemic species of India; 
Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ conservation of biodiversity. 
Relevance of Biotechnology and Nanotechnology in Sustainable Development, Production and Environment Protection 

Environmental Pollution and Its Problems 
Local and Global Issues - Definition, causes, effects and control measures of: 
a) Air pollution, b) Water pollution, c) Soil pollution, d) Marine pollution, e) Noise pollution, f) Thermal pollution and g) Nuclear hazards 
Role of an individual in pollution prevention and case studies of pollution. 
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes; Development of Value added products from Solid Wastes; 
Waste Minimization in Manufacturing Industry: Alternative Methods and Routes for Process Development; Reduce, Recycle and Reuse; Cost Beneft analysis of a Process or Method and Importance of Mass Balance; Case studies with refernce to Pharma Industry; 
Green House Gas Effects: Climate change, global warming, acid rain and forest, ozone layer and ground water depletion. 
Environmental Problems in India: Drinking Water, Sanitation and Public Health; 

Social Issues and the Environment 
Human Population and Environment: Population Growth and Population Explosion; 
Social Problems related to poverty, energy, water, shelter, infrastructure, food, health, sanitation, hygiene, land scape, livelihood, information, environment and value education. Effects of Human Activities on the quality of Environment: Urbanization; Communication, Transportation, Industrialization and Green revolution; 
Water conservation, Rain Water harvesting, Watershed Management; 
Resettlement and Rehabilitation of People, its problems and concerns. Case Studies. Environmental ethics; Civic Sense, Issues and Possible Solutions. 
Disaster management plan: Natural and Man Made disasters, floods, earthquake, cyclone, tsunami, landslides, nuclear accidents, fire and bioterrorism; 
Case studies related to social issues: Wasteland reclamation. Consumerism and waste products. 

Institutional Setup and Legislation 
Government Regulatory Bodies in Monitoring and Enforcement of Environmental Regulations; Environment Protection Acts: Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act, Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Act, EIA Notification, Hazardous Waste Rules and Municipal Solid Waste Rules; 
Right to Information Act, Wildlife Protection Act and Forest Conservation Act, 
International Conventions on Environment: Stockholm, Rio, Basel, Arhus, Ramsur and Kyoto. 
Environment Impact Assesment (EIA) Studies: Definition, Classification, Direct, Indirect and Cumulative Assessment of Impacts; Reversible, Irreversible, Negative and Positive Impacts; 
Eco Audit and Eco Labelling (ISO: 14000); Environmental Management Plan (EMP); Design for Environment; Relavance of Command Control Paradigm in Environmental Governance; Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation. Public awareness. 
Case Studies. 


States of Matter and Phase Equilibria  
Gaseous state: Ideal Gas law, Molecular Weight determination, Kinetic Molecular Theory and Vander-waals Equation for Real Gases; 

Liquid state: Liquefaction of Gase, Methods of Achieving Liquefaction, Vapor pressure of Liquids, Boiling Point and Heat of Vaporization including Clausus – Claypeyron equation;  

Solids and Crystalline state: Crystalline Solids --- X-ray diffraction, melting point and heat of fusion, Intermolecular forces, Polymorphism. Amorphous solids and Liquid crystalline state.  

Phase equilibria: The phase rule; Systems containing one, two and three components, Rules relating to Triangular Diagrams; Solid dispersions;  

Thermal Analysis: Differential scanning Calorimetry; Diffrential thermal analysis and Thermogravimetric and Thermochemical Analysis; 

Physical properties of drug molecules: Refractive index & Molar refraction 
Defintion of Thermodynamic Terms: Specific Heat, Sensible Heat, Latent Heat and Heats of Transition; Laws of Conservation of Energy; Meaning of Energy Balance and its importance and Inputs of Energy balance; Concept of Heat and Work;  

First Law of Thermodynamics: Statement, Definition of Internal Energy, Enthalpy and Heat Capacity; Heat Capacities at constant Volume and Pressure and their relationship; Thermochemistry: Standard State Heats of Formation and Combustion; Standard Enthalpy of Formation – Hess’s Law of Heat summation and its application; Heat of reaction at constant pressure and at constant volume; Enthalpy of neutralization; Bond dissociation energy and its calculations from thermochemical data;  
The second and third laws of thermodynamics: Statements, Definiton of Entropy, Free energy and Gibbs Free Energy; Free Energy functions and applications. 

Solutions of electrolytes: Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation; Modern theory of strong electrolytes; Debye- Huckel theory; Coefficients for expressing colligativce properties – L value, Osmotic Coefficient and Osmolality. 
Ionic equilibria: Acid-base equilibria – Ionisation of weak acids, weak bases, water and ampholytes, Sorensen’s pH scale. Acidity constants – effect of ionic strength upon acidity constants, effect of temperature on ionic equilibria. Determination of  Acidity constants. 

Buffered and Isotonic solutions: The Buffer equation – Common ion effect and the buffer equation for weak acid and its salt and a weak base and its salt; pH indicators; Factors influencing pH of buffer solutions; Measurement and calculating tonicity and methods of adjusting tonicity and pH; Buffer capacity and its calculations; Van Slyke equation; Influence of concentration on buffer capacity and maximum buffer capacity;  
Buffers in Pharmaceutical and biological systems – in vivo biologic buffer systems  
Drugs as buffers: Pharmaceutical buffers and their preparation, influence of buffer capacity and pH on tissue irritation, stability vs optium therapeutic response, pH and solubility. 

Electro Motive Force and Oxidation-Reduction: Electrochemical cells, Types of Electrodes, measuring the EMF of cells, reference electrodes and standard potentials, electrometric determination of pH and specific ions; Hydrogen and glass electrodes, operation of pH meter, ion elective electrodes, Applications of Oxdn – Redn Potentials (Redox potentials) in pharmacy. 
Catalysis: Defeinition of Catalysis and Catalyst; Types of Catalyst; Promoters and Inhibitors; Mechnism of Simple Catalytic Reactions; Factors affecting the catalyst and Catalysis; 


Introduction, definition, classification, isolation, tests, chemical nature and uses of Rauwolfia, Vinca, Nuxvomica, opium, ipecac, belladonna, dattura, lobelia, vasaka, kurchi, ephedra, cinchona, colchicum, aconite, punemava, shankhupushpi, tobacco. 

Introduction, Definition, Classification, Isolation, tests, chemical nature and uses of Senna, aloes, rhubarb, digitalis, squill, dioscoreia, liquorice, momordica, black mustard, ammi, psoralia, gentian, picrorriza, ashwagandha, gokhru, kalmegh, stropanthus, shatavari, brahmi, quassia, gymnema. 

Chemistry, Tests, Isolation, Characterization and Estimation of Following Constituents 1. Sennosides from Senna 2. Caffine from tea 3. Cineole from eucalyptus oil 
4. Quinine from cinchona 5. Carvone from dill 6. Tannic acid from myrobalan 
7. Rutin, hesperidin from citrus fruits. 
Introduction, definition, classification, isolation, tests, chemical nature and uses of Volatile Oils and Resins from following Plant Sources: Fennel, Clove, Cinamon, Gaultheria oil, Artemisia, Taxus, Capscium, Turmeric, Podophyllum, Guggul Asafoetida and Pyrethrum. 

Tissue Culture 
History, introduction, callus culture, suspension culture, Immobilization of culture, single cell culture, organogenesis and embryo culture. 
Production of secondary metabolites, biotransformation and clonal propagation, Significance and application of plant tissue culture. 

Herbal Medicines 
Herbal medicines in India, practice, regulations, Quality Control and Standardization of Raw Materials. Types of herbal formulations and products. 


General Principles of Pharmacology 
Introduction, Nature and sources of drugs, Routes of administration of drugs. Concept of absorption, bioavailability, Drug distribution, Biotransformation and excretion drugs, Biological half-life and its significance. Mechanism of action including drug receptor Interactions and factors influencing them. Dose response relationship. 

Pharmacology of Drugs Acting On ANS 
Introduction, Transmission, Distribution and Functions of Drugs acting on Autonomic Nervous System: Cholinoceptor - Activating and cholinesterase inhibitory drugs, Cholinoceptor blocking drugs, Adrenoceptor - Activating and other sympathomimetic drugs, Adrenoceptor - Antagonist drugs. 

Pharmacology of Drugs Acting On CNS 
Introduction, Transmission, Distribution and Functions of Drugs acting on Central Nervous System: CNS Neuro transmitters; CNS Stimulants: Hypnotics and Anxiolytics; Antipsychotic Agents; Anti-epileptic Agents; Anti-depressants and Mood Stabilizers; Local Anesthetics; Analgesics and Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents; Pharmacological management of Parkinsonism and other movement disorders; 

Drugs Acting on Cardio Vascular & Respiratory System 
General considerations, Pharmacology of drugs used in the treatment of congestive heart failure, Anti-arrythmics, Anti-hypertensives & Anti-hyperlipedemic drugs, Anti-anginals and Vasodilators. Drugs used in the therapy of shock. 
Pharmacology of Drugs affecting Respiratory System: Drugs used in the treatment of disorders of Respiratory Function and Bronchial Asthma. Bronchodialators, Antitussives and expectorants 

Drugs Acting on Renal and Gastro Intestinal System 
Diuretics and anti-diuretics, Water and Electrolytic Balances and pH modifying agents. Pharmacology of purgatives/laxatives, Anti-diarrhoeals, Emetics and Anti-emetics. Drugs used in peptic ulcers. 


Poly Functional Natural Products 
Carbohydrates: Introduction, Definition, Classification, Isolation, General Properties (including isomerism) and Pharmaceutical importance of Carbohydrates, Chemistry (Structme, Nomenclatme and Reactions) of glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, cellulose and starch. 
Oils & Fats: Introduction, Definition, Classification, Isolation, General properties and Pharmaceutical importance of oils and fats. Chemistry (Structme, Nomenclature and Reactions) of Oils and Fats and analyse according to Pharmacopoeial methods 

Amino Acids and Proteins 
Introduction, Definition, Classification, Isolation, General properties and Pharmaceutical importance of mnino acids and their relationship to proteins and polypeptides. 
Chemistry of Protein Hormones: Insulin, Oxytocins, Thyroxin and anti-thyroid drugs 

Flavanoids and Terpenoids 
Flavonoids: Somces, Uses, chemistry and General methods of structural determination (chemical & spectral analysis) of Amygdalin, arbution and quercetin 
Terpenoids: Isoprene rule, Special Isoprene Rule for terpenes, General methods of isolation and. Chemistry of citral, menthol and cmnphor. 

Alkaloids - Purine and Xanthine Derivatives 
Introduction, Definition, Occurrence, Classification, Isolation, General properties and Pharmaceutical importance of Alkaloids. General methods of extraction, structme elucidation and Chemistry (Structme, Nomenclatme and Reactions) of ephedrine, atropine, papaverine and quinine and also Caffeine and mic acid. 

Introduction, Definition, Occurrence, Classification, Isolation, General properties and Pharmaceutical importance of Sterols: colom reactions of cholesterol, stigmasterol, ergosterol. Importance & general concepts of bile acids. Steroidal saponins: Diosgenin and hecogenin. Androgens, Estrogens, Progestational agents, Steroidal contraceptives. Adrenocorticoids, Deoxycorticosterone, Cortisone, Prednisone, Aldosterone. Cardiac Glycosides of Digitalis other Cardiac drugs, Strophanthus and Squill. 


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