This Blog has more than thousand Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharma

"This Blog has more than 1000 Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharmacy and Medical" Thank You for Visiting



Structure and Reactivity of Organic Molecules 
Hybrid orbitals, Molecular orbitals and Covalent bond, Bond angles, Heterolysis, Polarity of covalent bond, Polarity of Molecules, Dipole moments, Intermolecular forces, Boiling Point, Melting Point, Solubility, 
Electronic effects: Inductive effect, Electromeric or Mesomeric effect and Resonance. Isomerism (structural and spatial). 
Reaction Progress - Activation Energy, Energy diagrams of Reactants and Products. 

Aliphatic Hydrocarbons 
Nomenclature, Physical properties, General Methods of Preparation and Characteristic reactions of Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes; Heats of combustion or Heats of Hydrogenation, Homologous series, Free radical reactions of Alkanes (Halogenation), Catalytic reduction and Electrophilic addition reactions of Alkenes and Alkadienes, Markonikov’s Addition, Anti Markonikov’s Addition, Peroxide effect or Kharasch effect, Cis-Trans reduction of alkynes, Acidity of 1-Alkynes. Electrophilic addition reactions of alkynes, stability of conjugated alkadienes and their addition reactions. 
General methods of preparation of Cycloalkanes: Nomenclature, ring size, stability, Bayer's strain theory, Sachse - Mohr theory, Puckered rings, Congifguration and Conformations of Cycloalkanes, axial and equatorial bonds, Cis-trans Isomers. 

Halogen and Hydroxy Compounds 
Nomenclature, General Methods of preparation, Relative reactivity of Halides and Hydroxy Compounds, primary, secondary and tertiary classes, Nucleophilic substitution reactions (SN1 and SN2 ) - Walden inversion, Elimination reactions (E1 and E2 ) - Sayetzeffs rule. 
Nucleophilic substitution V s Elimination. Oxidation of alcohols; 
Ethers: Nomenclature, Properties and Synthesis (Williamson's synthesis and Ziesel’s Method). 

A) Carbonyl Compounds (Aldehydes and Ketones) 

Nomenclature, General Methods of Preparation, relative reactivities of Carbonyl Compounds, Nucleophilic addition reactions, Addition-Elimination reactions - Schiffs bases, oxidative reactions. 

B) Carboxylic Acids and Acid Derivatives 
(Acid Halides, Anhydrides, Esters and Amides) 
Nomenclature, General Methods of Preparation of Carboxylic acids, Relative acidity of Carboxylic acids, Action of alkalis, salt formation, Alpha - Halogenation and functional (Nucleophilic substitution) reactions of Carboxylic acids and methods of preparation of acid derivatives, Hydrolysis of acid derivatives, Reactivity and synthetic applications of malonic ester and aceto-acetic ester. 

Nitrogen Compounds 
A) Nitro Compounds
Nomenclature, methods of preparation
B) Amines: 
Nomenclature, primary, secondary and tertiary types, Relative Basicity of amines, Reactions of amines, Action of Nitrous acid, alkylation and acylation, Nucleophilicity of amines, Hinsberg's method of separation of amines. 
Aryldiazonium salts - Reactions (synthetic applications) of aryldiazonium salts. 


Materials of Construction: Factors affecting the material selection for Pharmaceutical plants. 

Ferrous Metals: Cast iron steels and Stainless steels, 

Non-Ferrous Metals: Copper, Aluminum, Lead, Tin, Silver, Nickel, Zinc, Platinum, Chromium and their important alloys. 

Nonmetals: Glass, Stoneware, Stone slate, Brick, Concrete, Asbestos, Rubber, Timber, Plastics. 

Corrosion and its Prevention: Types of corrosion, factors influencing corrosion, theories of corrosion, methods of prevention of corrosion. 
Definition of unit operations, unit processes. Steady and unsteady states, dimensionless equations, dimensional formulas, dimensional analysis, and dimensionless groups. 

Fluid Flow: Fluid static's, manometers, types of flow, Bernoulli's theorem, losses in mechanical energy of flowing fluids, measurement of fluids flow rate - orifice, venturi, pitot and rotameter, flow meters. 

Heat Transfer: Nature of heat flow, 
Conduction: - Fourier's law, thermal conductivity, compound resistance in series, heat flow through a cylinder - mean radius and mean area. 
Convection: - Natural and forced convection, temperature gradients in forced convection, surface and over all coefficients. Parallel current and counter current flow. 
Radiation: -black body, Stefan Boltzaman law, and gray body. Heaters, heat interchangers, scraped surface exchangers, extended surface equipment. 
Steam as heating medium: - properties and uses of steam traps, vacuum pumps, condensers, entrainment separators, foam and its prevention. 

Transportation of Materials 
Solids: - Classification, principles of construction & uses of different types of conveyers, detailed study of belt, screw and pneumatic conveyers. 
Fluids: - Pipes, tubes, joints, fittings, valves, Different types of reciprocating & rotary pumps, air lift pumps, screw pumps, monopumps, peristaltic pumps. 
Gases: - Fans, Blowers, types of compressors, ejectors, vacuum pumps, jet pumps. 

Humidification dehumidification and air conditioning: Definition of various terms, wet bulb and adiabatic saturation temperatures, humidity chart, determination of humidity, methods of increasing and decreasing humidity. Air conditioning - applications in pharmacy.
Refrigeration: Definition; compression and absorption; types of refrigeration cycles; coefficient of performance, refrigerants and their choice; Brine systems, load and applications in pharmacy. 

Filtration: Laboratory filtration equipment, classification of industrial filters, sand filters, chamber press, plate & frame filter press, brief description of leaf filters, rotary continuous filters, top feed filters, streamline & meta filters, choice of filtration unit. Membrane filters, Air filtration. Filter operation - effect of pressure, filter aids, Filter media, factors affecting rate of filtration, pretreatment of materials. Filtration theory - Mechanism of filtration, Kozeny equation and its limitations. 

Centrifugation: Theoretical considerations, large scale centrifuges classification, perforated & non perforated basket centrifuges, disc centrifuge bowls, tubular bowl centrifuges, horizontal centrifuges, continuous centrifuges, vertical solid bowl centrifuge, laboratory equipment. 


Computation of analytical results - Significant figures, Concept of error, precision, accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, detection limit, linearity and range, ruggedness, standard deviation Rejection of doubtful values with special reference to volumetric and gravimetric analysis. Calibration of analytical equipment. 
Fundamentals of volumetric analysis, methods of expressing concentration, primary and secondary standards. 

Physico-chemical concepts required for analysis such as electrolytic dissociation, Modem theory of acids, bases and salts - Bronstead - Lowry theory, Lewis electronic theory; chemical equilibrium, pH and buffer action, solubility product, common ion effect, hydrolysis of salts and amphoteric substances. 
Principles of Neutralization reactions; Theory of indicators and Neutralization indicators. 

Principles of oxidation-reduction titration's, redox, self-indicators and their use, reactions in pharmaceutical analysis precipitation. 
Principles of gravimetric analysis - typical methods involving precipitation, coagulation, digestion, drying procedures, co-precipitation. 

Theory and applications of complexometric titration's, argentometry, iodometry, potassium iodate, potassium bromate, EDT A, non-aqueous tritrations redox titration's, ammonium sulphate, titanous chloride. Principles of gas analysis. 

Stoichiometry of Ionic equations and Solutions: The Mole concept, Measuring of Moles of Elements and Compounds; Percentage Composition; Emperical and Molecular Formula; Balancing of Chemical Equations; Some analytical problems and calculations based on mass balance, limiting reagent theoretical yield and percentage yield.


Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Benzene and Derivatives) 
Structure of Benzene, stability of Benzene ( Heats of hydrogenation), Aromatic character –Huckel’s (4n + 2 electron) rule. Nomenclature of Benzene derivatives. Electrophilic substitution reactions (Halogenation, Nitration, Sulphonation, Friedel- Crafts alkylation and acylation), Effect of substituent on Reactivity and orientation of monosubstiuted Benzenes. Nucleophilic substitution in Halobenzenes. Acidity and Reactions of Phenols. 
Polynuclear Hydrocarbons: Napthalene and Anthracene: Structure, relative stability and aromaticity, Electrophilic substitution reactions - orientation, reduction and oxidation. 

Stereo Chemistry 
Stereoisomerism, conformational isomerism, Cis-trans (E & Z) isomerism, sequence rules for E & Z configurations. Enantiomerism and optical activity: 
Plane of symmetry, asymmetry or chirality, plane polarized light, Relative (D & L) configurations, Absolute (R & S) configurations, sequence rules, Diastereomers, Meso structures, racemic modifications, concept of stereospecificity. 

Heterocyclic Compounds Containing One Hetero Atom 
Introduction, classification and nomenclature of Heterocyclic compounds, Ring structure, methods of preparation and characteristic reactions of pyrrole, furan, thiophene, Pyridine, Indole, Quinoline, Isoquinoline and Acridine. Structure and specific uses of two medicinally important compounds representing each of the heterocyclic systems. 

Heterocyclic Compounds Containing Two Hetero Atoms 
Structure and preparation of Pyrazole, Imidazole, Benzimidazole, Oxazole, Isoxozole, thiazole, diazine, pyrimidius, pyrazine and phenothiazine. 
Nomenclature and Ring Structure and specific uses of two medicinally important compounds representing each of the above heterocyclic systems; Benzofuran, Benzopyran, dioxane, cinnoline, phenazine, oxazine, triazine, triazole, tetrazole, phenam and cepham. 

Synthetic Reagents and Reactions 
Specific synthetic Applications (at least two) of the following reagents: 
Lithium Aluminium Hydride (LAH), Lead Tetra Acetate (LTA), N-Bromosucinimide (NBS), Selenium oxide, sodium periodate, perchloric acid, 
Mechanism of the following reactions: Fries migration, Beckmann Re-arrangement, Birch reduction, Hoffman's hypobromite reaction, oppenneur oxidation. MPV reduction, ArndtEistert synthesis. 


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