This Blog has more than thousand Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharma

"This Blog has more than 1000 Powerpoint presentations of various departments related to pharmacy and Medical" Thank You for Visiting



Biochemical organization of the cell and transport processes across cell membrane. 
The concept of free energy, determination of free energy change from equilibrium constant and reduction potential, energy rich compounds, production of A TP and its biological significance. 

Enzymes - Nomenclature & classification, Kinetics, mechanism of action and inhibition, clinical applications of enzymes, isozymes and coenzymes. 
Carbohydrate metabolism: - Glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, glycogen synthesis, metabolism of galactose, role of sugar nucleotides in biosynthesis; pentose phosphate pathway. TCA cycle, its significance, Anapleuritic reations, Effects of inhibitor and regulation of TCA cycle, Glyoxalate cycle. 

Lipid metabolism - fate of dietary lipids; beta oxidation, oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids; synthesis of ketone bodies, biosynthesis, of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol metabolism, phospholipids and sphingolipids. 

Electron transport and biologial oxidation. Nitrogen balance, metabolism of amino acids; biosynthesis of purins, pyrimidines and their nucleotides, formation of uric acid. 
Integration of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism. Biosynthesis of RNA and DNA, Physical and chemical mutagenesis, DNA repair mechanism, recombinant DNA, mechanism of protein synthesis and its regulation, inborn errors in metabolism. 

Principles involved and methods used in qualitative & quantitative analysis of blood for -SGPT, SGOT, Bilerubin, glucose, urea, cratinine, albumin, alhuminl globulin ratio and their clinical significance. Principles involved and methods used in qualitative and quantitative analysis of urine for - glucose, ketone bodies, bile salts, bile pigments and albumin. Product inhibition, feed back inhibition, role of cyclic AMP in enzyme activation, repression and induction and control of enzyme synthesis by regulation of transcription. 


Introduction to pharmacognosy, methods of classification of crude drugs. Systematic description and storage of crude drugs. Plant hormones and their applications 

Cultivation - Advantages and disadvantages of obtaining drugs from cultivated and wild Plants. Variability of drug constituents due to exogenous and endogenous factors like altitude, light, temperature, rainfall, propagation by seeds, vegetative means, selection, mutation, hybridization and polyploidy. 

Collection of Medicinal Plants - effect of season, time of collection and age of the plant on the quality of active principles. Treatment subsequent to collection - desirable and undesirable changes after collection / drying. 

Plant Biosynthesis - Techniques employed in Biosynthetic pathways, precursor - product sequence, competitive feeding, sequential analysis. Study of basic metabolic pathways, Carbohydrate synthesis, Shikimic acid pathway, Isoprenoid biosynthesis. 

Hazards - like infestation with spores of micro organisms eggs and steps to prevent the same. Drugs deterioration by non living factors like moisture etc., and steps to prevent deterioration. Adulterations of crude drugs and their detection. Quality control of crude drugs and Phytochemicals. Study of the following methods for evaluation, identity, purity, quality by organoleptic, microscopic, physical, chemical and biological characters; Moisture content determination, determination of foreign organic matters and analysis of volatile oils, quantitative microscopic exercises including lycopodium spore method, leaf constant, crude fibre content. 

Systematic Phamacognostic study of following drugs 
Carbohydrates - Agar, Tragacanth, acacia, starch, isabgol linseed, regenerated carbohydrate fibres, cellulose, alginates and tamarind; Fixed Oils, Fats and Waxes - Chaulmoogroil, neem oil, castor oil, olive oil, bees wax, spermaceti, carnaubawa, theorbroma oil, and lard. 
Tannins - Myrobalan, Black catechu, Pale catechu, gal amla and arjuna. 

Systemic Pharmacognostic study of the following Fibers: Cotton, Jute, Hemp, Rayon, Wool, silk and Nylon. 

Drugs from mineral and animal origin - Kaolin, talc Bentonite, Cod liver oil, Shark liver oil, cantherides, Musk, Honey, and cochineal. 

Proteins & Enzvme - Papain, Pepsi Gelatin, Pancreatin  


Size reduction – Objectives, properties of solids, Classification of equipment. Important intermediate crushers & fine grinders, Cutting rolls, disk crushers, edge and end Runner mills, disintegrators, hammer mills, ball mills and their different modifications, colloid mill, impact mills, pin mills, fluid energy mills, particle size classifiers used with grinding mills. 

Size separation – I.P.Grades of Powders, Sieves – Standards, materials of construction, sieving of powders – Particle size distribution and its measurement using sieves. Representation on data.  Screening equipment for coarse and fine powders.  Shifting by gyratory turbulence. 

Fluid classification methods – Cyclone separators, air separators, bag filters, scrubbers, air filters, size separation by settling, double cone classifier. Laws of settling, sedimentation, Elutriation.  

Leaching and Extraction – Solid liquid Extraction, theory, problems of crude drug Extraction, solvents, properties choice and recovery. Factors affecting choice of Extraction process and efficiency of Extraction. Maceration, percolation and continuous Extraction process.  Diffusion batteries Extraction towers. 

Liquid extraction – Principles, Small and large scale equipment, pod biel niak extractor.  Expression equipment for small and large scale operation. 

Evaporation – General principles, heat supply and vapour removal. Heat transfer, film coefficients, scale formation. Evaporators – Classification, pan, stills, short tube, long tube, vertical forced circulation with internal heating element, film and vapour compression evaporators.  Evaporation under reduced pressure. 

Distillation and condensation – Different mass transfer operations, theory applied to binary mixtures; Distillation methods – Equilibrium and differential distillations, azeotropic distillation, rectification, sieve plate and packed columns, HEPT. Steam distillation – theory, equipment and applications, Molecular distillation – theory, equipment and applications. 
Automatic water stills, steam jacketed kettle, distillation under reduced pressure. 

Drying – Theory of drying, Drying of damp solids, tray, vaccum tunnel, rotary and infrared dryer. Drying of slurries of solution – Drum, spray, freeze drying and fluidized bed drying. 

Crystallisation – Importance of crystal purity, size, shape, geometry, habit, forms and types.  Solubility curves and calculation of yields.  Material and heat balances around Swenson Walker crystalliser. Miers supersaturation theory and its limitations. Nucleation mechanisms, crystal growth.  Classification of crystallisers, Tank, agitated batch, Swenson Walker, single vacuum, circulating magma and Krystal crystallizer. Caking of crystals and its prevention. 
Gas absorption – Importance in pharmacy. Properties and type of tower packing, Tower construction and other commercial absorbers and their operations, two phase flow through packed tower. Pressure and Mass Transfer Coefficients; Desorption. 

Mixing – Definition and objectives; Types of mixers; Solid – solid mixing: Selection of mixer; Mixing of viscous masses; Kneading and ban burry mixtures; Ointment mills, triple roller mill. 

Liquid – liquid and gas liquid mixing equipment: Different types of mixing impellers, their characteristics, operation and application. 

Absorption and Ion exchange – Ion exchange operations, Ion exchange principles different types of Ion exchangers behaviors of ion exchange resins, applications. 

Compaction – Scope, measurement of Punch forces, transmission of force through powders, distribution of forces in powder mass, effect of pressure on relative volume, lubrication of diewall, adhesion and cohesion of particles, factors effecting strength of granules and strength of tablets. 

Automatic process control systems – Process variables (temperature, pressure flow, level and vacuum) and their measurement; Elements of automatic process control and introduction automatic process control systems. 


Basic Considerations of Drug Activity 
Physico chemical properties of drug molecules in relation to biological activity - Solubility, lipophilicity, partition-coefficient, Ionization, hydrogen bonding, Chelation, Redox potential and Surface activity. Bioisosterism and Steric features of drugs, drug distribution and protein binding; Introduction to Pro and Soft drug approach in drug design; Drug metabolism and factors affecting on drug metabolism 

Adrenergic agents - (Isoproterenol and Salbutamol)  
Adrenergic blocking agents - (Prazocin and Atenatol)  
Cholinergic drugs and Acetyl Choline esterase inhibitors - (Carbachol, Physostigmine). Cholinergic blocking agents - (Pyridinium bromide and Dicyclomine HCI) 
Ganglionic blocking agents and neuromuscular blocking agents -(Mecamylamine HCI and Pentolinium Tartarate). Skeletal muscle relaxants -Neuromuscular - (meprobromate) 

Cardio Vascular Drugs - Anti-hypertensive drugs - (Captopril and Clonidine) Anti-arrhythmic drugs - (Verapamil, Nifedipine and Diltiazem), 
Vasodilators - (Isosorbide dinitrate and Dipyridamole) 
Anti- hyper lipidemic agents - (Clofibrate and Aterostatin) 
Anti-platelet drugs - (Aspirin and Ticlopidine) 
Cardiao tonic Agents - Synthetic analogs of cardiac glycosides 

Diuretics - (Acetazolamide and Furosemide, Hydrochlorthiazide and Amiloride). 
Positive Inotropic Agents (Amrinone) 
Hypoglycemic agents - (Tolbutamide and Glyclazide).

Thyroid agents, Anti-thyroid gents -. (Prophylthiouracil) 
Immuno suppressants - (Azathioprine) and Immunostimulants -(Levamisole) 

Anti-histaminics (HI & H2)-(Diphenhydramine, Chlorpheniramine, Citrizine, Ranitidine). Proton Pump Initiators (Omeprazole) 
Coagulants and Anti-coagulants - (Warfarin) 


Properties and selection, Antioxidants, Preservatives, Colouring agents, Flavouring agents, Sweetening agents, Diluting agents, Vehicles, Surfactants, Hydrocolloids, Above Adjuvants should be studied with reference to FDA approvals and Drugs & Cosmetics Rules wherever applicable. 
Hard Gelatin Capsules: Advantages, Sizes, Storage, Printing, Formulation, Selection of sizes, Filling, Sealing, Cleaning and Polishing, Evaluation. 
Soft Gelatin Capsules: Advantages, Applications, Formulation, Manufacture & Evaluation. 

Suspensions and Emulsions 
Suspensions: Formulation Types; Deffloculated and Flocculated suspensions, Formulation parameters; Methods of Manufacture and Evaluation. 
Emulsions: Formulation Types, Formulation-parameters, Manufacturing Methods and Selection of equipment, Evaluation methods including the shelf life, Concepts of Multiple emulsions. 

Tablets and Tablet Coating 
Tablets: Types & Classes, Advantages and Disadvantages, Challenges in formulation and manufacture, Excipients in the formulation, Ideal requirements of Excipients, Granulation methods, Compression Machines, Processing problems in compression - Capping & Lamination, Picking & Sticking, Mottling, Weight variation, Hardness variation etc. Evaluation of Tablets. 
Tablet Coating: Coating principles, General equipment, Sugar coating-steps, Compression coating, Film coating-steps, materials used in film coating, enteric coating, Film defects, Specialised coating techniques and Quality Control of Tablets

Parenterals and Opthalmic Preparations
Parenterals: Definition, Classification and Types of Parenterals, Advantages and limitations, Preparation, Formulation, Containers, Production procedures & facilities, Environmental and other controls, Filling procedures, Products requiring Sterile Packing, Evaluation tests, Sterile powders, Emulsions, Suspensions. 
Opthalmic Preparations: Requirements of Eye ointments, Eye drops, Formulation, Methods of preparation, containers, Evaluation and quality control. 

Aerosols and Packaging Materials 
Aerosols: Definition, Types, Advantages and Disadvantages; Propellants, General Formulation, Manufacturing and packing methods - Pharmaceutical Applications. 
Packaging Materials: Glass, Plastics, Metal and Rubber, their influence on dosage form stability. 


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